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Party Wristbands Stolen From Dean of Students Office

Violet Ramanathan

Image via Flickr. Copyright CMC Forum.
Image via Flickr. Copyright CMC Forum.

On March 1, Associated Students of Claremont McKenna College (ASCMC) hosted their annual Wedding Party. Days before the event, 2,500 wristbands used to identify approved entrants to the party disappeared from the Dean of Students office (DOS). The missing wristbands were worth approximately $650. 

In order to generate revenue, manage capacity, and prevent unregistered party guests, ASCMC issues wristbands to students in the days before a major event. Students then show their ID and wristband to gain access to the party. To prevent counterfeits, ASCMC normally orders custom wristbands.

The wristbands for Wedding Party arrived at the DOS office on February 21 and were signed for by a student worker. The student reportedly left their desk for a few minutes, and when they returned, the box of wristbands was gone. The student did not report it, assuming a dean had taken them.

On February 26, a member of ASCMC asked DOS about the wristbands, prompting a search. Wristbanding for Wedding Party was scheduled to begin the following morning. Unable to locate the stolen package, DOS staff members found backup cloth wristbands in storage, which were distributed to students. 

An ASCMC representative filed a report with Campus Safety requesting that they check the cameras covering the entrances of Heggblade. They have yet to disclose any findings.


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